Introducing the Royal Rangers Podcast

September 2, 2020

Some time ago, we began exploring the idea of creating a Royal Rangers audio podcast as a means for sharing news, updates, and reliable program information with outpost leaders on a regular, ongoing basis. Although other priorities delayed the project, we are now pleased to announce that this podcast has become a reality and is now available on a variety of podcast platforms.

Podcast episodes will be released weekly with each episode running approximately 15 to 20 minutes in length. Topics will focus primarily on matters of direct relevance to outpost leaders, such as the following:

  • Enlisting and Recruiting Men for Your Outpost
  • Royal Rangers Lite: Structuring Your Outpost to the Needs of Your Church
  • Key Concepts for Effective Outpost Meetings
  • The Value of Gender Specific Ministry to Boys
  • Something for Every Boy: Providing a Diversity of Activities in Your Outpost
  • The Adult Leader Training Process
  • Engaging Boys in Missions
  • History of Royal Rangers
  • Conducting Day Camps for Ranger Kids

These topics and more will provide outpost leaders with official, reliable program information directly from the national office as well as valuable ideas from some of the most experienced Royal Rangers leaders in the country. Episodes may be streamed online via the website or downloaded for off-line listening using the podcasting app of your choice.

Additional information on the podcast can be found online at Check out the podcast today. Subscribe and start listening to the official Royal Rangers podcast. It’s free and is available to anyone.


The Royal Rangers Podcast