Information for Parents

The Royal Rangers program has been taking boys through the process of growth into Christlike manhood for over 50 years. Since 1962 we’ve pursued the goal to evangelize, equip, and empower the next generation of Christlike men and lifelong servant leaders.

The Royal Rangers program offers weekly meetings, service projects, and year-round activities to give boys opportunities to make new friends, have fun together, and connect with his Creator and explore the divine plan for his life. Leaders utilize a time-tested advancement system that meets boys where they are developmentally to help them grow as disciples, become leaders, and develop confidence through fun and engaging activities.

The following information provides an overview of the Royal Rangers program.  For information specific to the Royal Rangers program at your church, please contact your church leadership.

Membership Requirements

The membership requirements for Royal Rangers can be found on our New Members page. Most churches do not require that a boy attend their weekly church services in order to participate in their Royal Rangers program, but the local church ultimately determines the participation standards for their ministries, including Royal Rangers.

Spiritual Growth

Our goal is to come alongside parents to help them raise godly sons. The Royal Rangers ministry is designed to help boys develop godly friendships, learn valuable skills, do fun things together, serve others, and grow in Christ. We pursue these objectives by following a structured, age-specific advancement system for each age group.

  • Each weekly meeting includes a Bible lesson and/or devotional message, presented by the Group Leader. These lessons form the foundation of spiritual mentoring that is the central focus of the entire program.
  • Devotional messages are typically presented at all outpost, district, and national Royal Rangers events. Testimonies abound of boys who accepted Christ as their Savior, were called into ministry, or rededicated their lives to Christ during a spiritual service at a Royal Rangers event.
  • Men share their faith with boys and speak into their lives through casual interaction as they do fun things together - "These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up." Deuteronomy 6:6-7  Spiritual mentoring is the heart of the Royal Rangers program.

All official Royal Rangers Bible lessons and devotional messages are included in the Royal Rangers curriculum and adhere to the doctrinal positions of the Assemblies of God. However, local leaders are empowered to substitute or modify those lessons as needed to align with the doctrinal standards of their church in situations where those positions may differ.


Each church determines the types of activities their groups will enjoy based on the needs and interests of their boys. Activities typically include camp outs, sporting events, craft projects, field trips, etc. These activities are often related to the skills the group is currently working to develop as part of their advancement system.


The Royal Rangers ministry provides churches with a variety of resources to ensure a safe environment. These include training, guidelines for developing safe activities for the boys, bullying prevention, and recruiting and screening godly, mature leadership. Leadership standards for Royal Rangers can be found on our Leaders page.

Gender-Specific Format

God created men and women with special differences. When a boy understands what it means to be a godly man, he aspires to the design that God intended A single-gender classroom has many benefits, but the greatest of these is for a boy to feel safe and secure in his discovery of who God intended him to be. This happens best when being mentored by a man he respects.

Parental Involvement

As with many church and community-based programs, parental involvement comes in a variety of forms. Parents are encouraged to meet with church leaders to discover how they may volunteer as group leaders, provide support for various activities, or help in other ways. Parents are encouraged to support their boy's efforts as he learns new skills and grows in leadership.


It is recommended that every boy have a handbook, which provides valuable information about the program, advancement system, uniforms, and more. Multiple uniform options are available and are determined by your outpost. Other financial issues may vary from one church to another. It is therefore recommended that you communicate with the group leader for details. To better understand how you can contribute to the program to ensure every boy has what he needs and has a quality experience, please visit with church leadership.

Unique Benefits

Royal Rangers ministry is the premier church-based mentoring program for kindergarten through high school boys in the world. While other boy’s programs have their own unique sets of strengths, no other program has the variety of activities, a focused discipleship track, and a 5O-year proven track record of helping boys become godly men who are influential in the church, home, and world.

Royal Rangers seeks to take boys on the journey to “live the adventure” of the Christlike life. We’re glad you’re on this journey with us.

Additional Information

Additional information that may interest you can be found on the following pages of this web site: