Master's Toolbox Propel Peru

Exciting things are happening in Peru! Royal Rangers and Pathfinder Missions want to get in on the action by allocating our 2023-2024 Master’s Toolbox funds to Propel Peru. For the next two years, BGMC and Royal Rangers are partnering to help missionary Ricky Hendon with some visionary projects. Use BGMC Special Target Project #244-203-000056 to give Master’s Toolbox funds to Propel Peru.


First, Propel Peru will provide funds to further develop Camp Yuri, a beautiful 88-acre campground, where children and adults gather for spiritual training and fun. We want to provide electricity, water wells, and building materials for this campground. Giving $750 will provide one space in this camp that will allow a kid to hear about and experience the love of Christ year after year.




Next, Propel Peru will provide materials to build more churches in remote villages along the rivers. Finally, the missionaries need a new boat and new motors to help them reach more people in these hard-to-reach areas.


Royal Rangers can help through prayer, raising money, or participating in a mission trip. It is easier than ever before to go on a mission trip. Imagine the men and older boys in your church working at Camp Yuri or taking a boat ride to a remote village to help build a church. Visit the Pathfinder Missions website to find multiple opportunities to participate in a mission trip in the next two years as we work together to Propel Peru.


For more information about Pathfinder Missions projects and trips to Peru or to other countries, email Ron Harrison, Pathfinder Missions coordinator, at [email protected] or check the website.