Ministry to Boys Can Take Many Forms

When the Royal Rangers program first began many years ago, it was designed to reach boys with the gospel message, teach them the truths of Scripture, and keep them connected to the church through a variety of activities boys enjoy. Although many features of the program have changed through the years, the mission of Royal Rangers remains unchanged, and churches across the country and around the world have employed Royal Rangers as their primary evangelism and discipleship tool for the boys of their churches and communities.


Due to the diversity of ministry styles and changing capabilities over time, a church will experience seasons where alternative options are needed that enable them to reach and disciple boys in ways that better align with the changing needs and capabilities of their church.


Ministry to boys can take many forms, and the form of ministry your church chooses to employ may change over time as you experience seasons of change. Regardless of the season, every church can provide ministry to boys in some form. Consider the following as examples of what your ministry may look like at different points in time.

  • A full Royal Rangers program utilizing all aspects of the advancement system with awards, uniforms, and multiple age groups.
  • A “lite” Royal Rangers program that provides boys with the same skills and discipleship pathway as a full program outpost but without the cost and complexities of awards, uniforms, and insignia.
  • A custom “club-style” boy’s program fully defined by your church using curriculum from Royal Rangers or other sources as discipleship resources.
  • Gender-based classes or small groups as part of your existing children and youth ministries, such as a teen boys’ life group or a boys’ discipleship class.
  • Periodic activities for men and boys that bring them together around common interests to build relationships and provide easy entry points for men and boys to invite their unchurched friends.


Each man and boy needs a community of Christlike men that will encourage and support him in his journey to become the man of God he was created to be. Every church can provide that community on some level. If you would like to hear more about the ways your church can be part of that process, we would be glad to assist you. Together we will explore the options available and help you design a plan for providing an effective and engaging ministry to the men and boys of your community that is uniquely suited to the vision, objectives, and capabilities of your church. Contact the Royal Rangers national office at [email protected]. We can assist you and put you in contact with your district staff.