Propel Peru Update

What an exciting time to be serving the Lord! Pathfinders just completed a construction trip to Camp Yuri in Yurimagus, Peru. On this trip, we were joined by Royal Rangers National Director Karl Fleig and his lovely wife, Cindy. We served alongside the Hendons, missionaries to Peru, as they continue the work to complete the camp. Even without electricity and sufficient water wells, they are having camps and training events onsite.

          Peru6-2023          Peru2-2023

Propel Peru is our 2023 and 2024 Master’s Toolbox Project. In 2023, Pathfinders did gold trips in remote locations upriver and silver trips at the campground. Both types of trips are scheduled for 2024. We are asking churches to prayerfully consider designating their BGMC/Master’s Toolbox funds for the Propel Peru project to help the Hendons with their ministry endeavors in this area. Camp Yuri is the only Christian campground in that area.

Peru1-2023          Peru3-2023

These would be great trips for your men and your boys who are fourteen years old and older to participate in. For more information, please contact me at [email protected]. Also visit our website for more information on these and our other projects.

Peru4-2023          Peru7-2023

Hope to see you on a trip!