
August 28, 2024

The mission of Royal Rangers is to evangelize, equip, and empower the next generation of Christlike men and lifelong servant leaders. As we move into August and school is beginning to wind back up, this is a great time to focus on the first part of our mission—evangelize.

What does it mean to evangelize? Often, we equate evangelizing with presenting the gospel. This involves sharing the salvation plan and asking if the person wants to accept Christ as their savior. However, evangelism should begin much earlier than that. In the New Testament, we often see Jesus focusing on the person—the need and building friendship. Jesus showed He cared about the physical before He ever spoke of the spiritual.

Evangelism is a large part of Royal Rangers. Our Pathfinder Missions ministry makes it possible for men and older boys to develop a heart for missions while they help reach people in other parts of our nation and world. Our National Shooting Sports Program (NSSP) and Frontiersmen Camping Fellowship (FCF) exist to create different pathways for boys to get involved in Royal Rangers so that they have an opportunity to be mentored. If you were in Royal Rangers twenty years ago, you would have learned the mission statement of Rangers as to reach, teach, and keep boys for Christ. So how is your church and your outpost planning to reach more boys?

This is a great time to gather your leaders and boys and talk about how you’ll attract more boys to your group. Set some goals focused on evangelism—reaching boys. If you can find some fun, creative ways to involve boys in Royal Rangers, they will hear the gospel and learn about Christ’s love during the weekly meetings. Host a back-to-school event. Get creative and figure out ways to build bridges to the schools in your neighborhood. Sponsor a Lego Derby after school and invite boys to build a car and race it. Work with your children’s pastor and youth pastor to get ideas and collaborate on events. Volunteer to be part of their back-to-school events and invite them to be part of yours. We all teach the same kids, so let’s try to make the events a group effort like we are one team. Remember, it’s not enough to just equip and empower the boys that you have in your outpost. Be intentional about finding new ways to attract more boys, invite more boys, and involve more boys.

Through the EveryBoy Initiative, we are working hard to remove the financial obstacles to reaching boys and to ensure that every evangelical church can opt to have a Royal Rangers outpost. Through intentionality, we can influence more boys and young men than ever, more effectively than ever. Thank you for all you do and for keeping the focus outward to reach more boys.