Something for Every Boy

March 11, 2020

The Royal Rangers Leader Manual states the mission of Royal Rangers is “to evangelize boys for Christ, equip them to become the next generation of Christlike men, and empower them for service as lifelong servant leaders.” This mission applies to every outpost, and its target is every boy. As Peter states in 2 Peter 3:9 (NIV), the Lord is “not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” Our mission is to evangelize, equip, and empower every boy in every church in every community.

To achieve this mission, the Royal Rangers ministry has long used activities as the primary means of attracting boys and keeping them engaged the process of growing into Christlike manhood. For an activity to attract a boy’s attention, it must also align with his interests. The interests of boys today are far more diverse than in years past. Effective outposts must, therefore, offer a variety of activities in order to provide something of interest to every boy.

In Royal Rangers, we represent this variety through five activity categories that represent the most common interests of boys today. We refer to these categories as our “core competencies”—outdoor activities, sports & fitness, trade skills, science & technology, and arts & culture.

Outdoor Activities

Outdoor activities, such as camping, backpacking, or canoeing, have long been favorites of many Royal Rangers outposts. These activities typically provide many opportunities for connecting with friends and doing fun things together.

Sports & Fitness

Sports have become a central part of American life, and many boys in your community may already be involved in some type of sporting activity. These types of activities can also appeal to potential leaders who have similar interests.

Trade Skills

Trade skills are those activities that often involve physical skills or those that may lead to an occupation, such as carpentry, plumbing, auto mechanics, architecture, or finance. These activities can be both fun and beneficial in helping boys develop lifelong skills.

Science & Technology

Activities involving science and technology can appeal to many boys who may have little interest in outdoor activities, sports, or similar topics. They can also introduce boys to topics in a fun, interactive setting that they might have never taken an interest in otherwise.

Arts & Culture

Activities that involve art, music, drama, history, citizenship, or similar interests can provide a new dimension to the types of activities you offer and attract an entirely new group of boys and leaders to your outpost.

Healthy outposts seek to offer activities in each of these categories regularly to reach a more diverse group of boys in their communities. Consider how your outpost might be able offer a greater variety of activities by answering the following questions:

  • What skills are currently represented among the men of our church as occupations or as hobbies?
  • Which of those men might be willing to share their knowledge with our boys?
  • What valuable skills could our boys gain from that experience?
  • Are any of these skills represented by an official Royal Rangers merit award?

In addition to representing the common interests of boys, these categories also reflect the common interests of men. As Royal Rangers leaders, we commonly tend to focus on the types of activities that may be of the most interest to us or on those with which we have the most experience. However, in order to reach every boy, we must be willing to stretch ourselves into new areas. As we step out in faith, we can rely on the help of the Holy Spirit to guide us in our efforts and through us do “immeasurably more that all we ask or imagine” (Ephesians 3:20 NIV).

As your outpost provides a diverse program of activities that represent all core competencies, you will be able to say with confidence that your Royal Rangers ministry provides something for every boy.