The Value of Gender-Specific Mentoring in KidMin

Gender-specific mentoring can be a critical component in any healthy discipling relationship. While I wholeheartedly believe we can be discipled by the opposite gender, I also believe that if you’re a man, it’s important to learn from other men (and vice versa). I believe the importance of gender-specific ministry is greatest in the area of children’s ministry.

Gender-specific mentoring is important for two reasons. First, girls and boys learn differently. Therefore for optimal learning and discipleship to occur, each gender needs the methods that work best for them. Second, girls and boys need different topics addressed. Gender-specific mentoring allows you to guide kids in your ministry through separate topics and mentorship opportunities.

In the organization I’m a part of we’ve learned a lot steering our gender-specific ministry programs Girls Ministries (for girls) and Royal Rangers (for boys). Here are a few things we’ve learned in the research we’ve conducted:

  1. Distractions are eliminated. Maybe it’s gender-based competition, flirting, or sexual tension. Separating boys and girls results in increased focus and concentration. 
  2. Girls and boys will more openly discuss personal issues. The sooner we put girls and boys in a safe environment to talk about these challenging subjects, the sooner these issues can be successfully handled. 
  3. Stronger mentoring relationships are formed. The bonds forged through mentoring give girls a listening ear and boys camaraderie.

Of course there are opportunities that exist to minister to boys and girls together, but some of the most effective discipleship occurs when genders are separated. Don’t miss the opportunity to reach your kids in this specific way.

Do you remember a same-gender mentor that impacted you as a child? What did you learn from him or her?