New Leader Manual Now Available

April 22, 2019

A new Royal Rangers Leader Manual is now available for purchase through My Healthy Church. This new manual features the latest updates on the Royal Rangers program and includes new material to empower a greater variety of churches to effectively operate a Royal Rangers outpost.

Returning to the full-sized (8.5” x 11”) 3-ring binder format used in previous editions, this manual includes a new feature not previously available that will enable users to keep their manuals current for a full two years. Each purchase includes a 2-year membership to the Leader Resource track of TRaCclub where updates to the manual will be uploaded. There will also be supplemental sections of the Leader Manual on the Leader Resource track that won’t be available in the print version, purchased from My Healthy Church. Users may print these updates and supplements as needed to insure their manuals always include the latest program information.

This new manual also includes new concepts:

  • Patrol System Matrix: a four-stage process for developing junior leaders in the outpost that represents a more practical application of the patrol system in each age group
  • Royal Rangers Lite: a spectrum of ways to conduct Royal Rangers, including a picture of a lighter, simpler way that is more suitable for smaller churches but could be used in churches of any size

A separate full-color 3-ring binder is also available to hold your manual. This sturdy, colorful binder is also suitable for holding your weekly meeting guides, merit activity guides, outpost records, or any other material you use to make your outpost meeting successful.

This new manual and the related binder can be found at