Kenya Pathfinders Trip

The Royal Rangers national office will host a mission construction trip to Kenya on Nov. 3-11, 2017, as part of our 2017-2018 Catapult 700 mission emphasis. We would be excited to have you on our team! Couples are welcome.

Catapult 700 is the largest Master’s Toolbox project tackled by Royal Rangers to date. Launched in January 2017, Catapult 700 has 3 goals:

  1. Launch 700 new outposts in East Africa
  2. Translate the Ranger curriculum into Swahili
  3. Help bring the East African Royal Ranger Training Center to completion

To meet this third goal, a team from the United States will be traveling to Kenya in November to finish the first floor of the East Africa Royal Rangers Training Center. We expect to tile floors, paint walls, build bunk beds, run electrical conduit on the main building, and construct metal or block walls on a secondary building. Recently, the Kenya Men’s Fellowship Department held their national meeting in the unfinished training center. While there, each of the men personally committed to support financially the construction and to partner with Royal Rangers until the training center is complete.

The Royal Rangers construction team will leave the United States on November 3 and return on November 11. The cost of the trip is $850 plus your round-trip airfare, passport, and tourist visa to Kenya. The $850 fee covers all hotels, meals, water, and snacks for job site, medical insurance, and transportation while in Kenya. Souvenirs and incidentals are the individual’s responsibility.

If you are interested in being a part of this life-changing, nation-impacting trip, forms and applications can be found on line at (Click on the box “Kenya Trip.”)

This is going to be a great experience. While visiting the site last year, my heart was stirred overwhelmingly for this center and the vision the Kenyan national director has for it. We are blessed with such an incredible facility at Eagle Rock I wanted to help them have their own place. I’m excited about the team God is putting together. I’m looking forward to taking this trip with them and what we are going to accomplish in Kenya as well. Please begin praying for the team and this trip now. Let's get ready. It's going to be a great adventure!