Rangers NOW

Your Official Source for Royal Rangers News!

Rangers NOW is the official news and information source for Royal Rangers. Distributed every six weeks, this periodic e-mail newsletter provides the latest updates on the Royal Rangers program as well as topics of interest to all Royal Rangers leaders.  Typical content includes:

  • Program news & updates
  • Upcoming national events such as Camporama, Rendezvous, or the annual LEAD Conference.
  • Feature articles highlighting boys, leaders, or outposts showing great examples of living by the ranger code.
  • And a whole lot more!

You can receive Rangers NOW free of charge by texting "rangers" to 95577, or by entering your name & e-mail address below.

See Content from Past Issues

All articles in Rangers NOW are included in our news blog so you can access them at any time, even if you miss an issue.  From the main menu, select "More Info" and "News" to access our news blog.

Get Your Group Featured

If you've got some interesting news about interesting things your outpost has been doing and would like to share it with us, contact us and let us know.  We're always looking for stories of rangers doing fun things.

Rangers NOW

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