Search Results

Your search returned '33' results.

Remembering Paul Walters | Royal Rangers USA

Remembering Paul Walters | Royal Rangers USA

Sep 13, 2018 ... He was the first GMA recipient in the Potomac district. He became an outpost commander at age 18 and served with outposts in Maryland, Texas ...

Outpost Ranger of the Year

Outpost Ranger of the Year

GMA* & 1000 points on. ROTY application. Achievement Medal or. GMA* & 1200 points on. ROTY application. *BMA – Bronze Medal of Achievement, SMA – Silver Medal ...

A Lasting Impact | Royal Rangers USA

A Lasting Impact | Royal Rangers USA

Aug 29, 2024 ... As he grew from Ranger Kids to Adventure Rangers, Commander Freddie encouraged Aaron to pursue the Gold Medal of Achievement (GMA)—an idea that ...

Capstone Project

Capstone Project

steps you will complete before earning the Gold Medal of Achievement (GMA). ... As you now approach the point of earning the GMA you have reached an important ...

Scuba Diving Merit

Scuba Diving Merit

Earn your basic scuba diving certificate from one of the following organiza- tions. Place your certificate in your workbook.

Blue Merit_6_10:•Blue Merit

Blue Merit_6_10:•Blue Merit

b. Visit or call a local veterinarian's office and ask about what kinds of common ailments they see in dogs, how much it costs for an office visit,.

Frontier Tribesman

Frontier Tribesman

INTRODUCTION. The Frontier Tribesman Merit is a part of the Arrowhead merit series devel- oped by the Frontiersmen Camping Fellowship (FCF).

Advancement System | Royal Rangers USA

Advancement System | Royal Rangers USA

Gold Medal of Achievement (GMA) - the highest advancement award a boy can earn in the program; Awards & Insignia · Merits Homepage - this page serves as the ...

Preserving Royal Ranger History | Royal Rangers USA

Preserving Royal Ranger History | Royal Rangers USA

Dec 9, 2020 ... ... GMA medal); communicating with Ken Nash GMA #17 (donated for display: vest and photos); recovering 1960s era display (donated by Reed Cape); ...

Awards & Insignia | Royal Rangers USA

Awards & Insignia | Royal Rangers USA

Gold Medal of Achievement (revised 12/11/2023) - use GMA Application 2024 and GMA Merit/Honors Application 2024; Trail of the Saber Award (revised 12/12/2023) ...