Royal Rangers Lite is form of Royal Rangers that provides churches with an easier, simpler method of doing Royal Rangers that still achieves the core objectives of the program without the complexities of the program’s more robust features. “Lite” outposts still enjoy many of the same benefits as more “full-featured” outposts but without the complexities of the advancement system, awards, and insignia, enabling them to conduct a Royal Rangers program that may be better suited to the needs and capabilities of their church.
Since Royal Rangers Lite is more of a concept than a program, no specific format must be followed to be a “lite” outpost. Churches are free to exercise a significant degree of flexibility in the way they conduct their Royal Rangers program, but the following provides an example of what a “lite” outpost might look like.
Due to its simplicity and ease of use, Royal Rangers Lite may provide a more suitable program option for some churches, such as:
It should be noted that although a “lite” version of Royal Rangers provides many benefits there are also tradeoffs involved. Lite outposts may not have the opportunity to participate in some aspects of the program that require more full-featured participation, such as participation in the Frontiersman Camping Fellowship (FCF) program, or seeing boys earn the Gold Medal of Achievement or other advancement awards.
Although the options described above reflect a significant degree of flexibility, certain key features represent the core aspects of Royal Rangers and should be represented in any program using the name of Royal Rangers.
Royal Rangers Lite may not be the best solution for every outpost, but for some, it may be the only viable solution for their present circumstances. Royal Rangers Lite enables churches to maintain some form of Royal Rangers over time as conditions change by enabling them to shift from a more full-featured program to a lighter program and back again whenever necessary. Royal Rangers Lite enables EVERY church in EVERY circumstance to provide some form of gender-specific ministry to the boys of their church and community.
If you have questions about starting a Royal Rangers outpost or how to apply the principles of Royal Rangers Lite to your church setting feel free to contact us for assistance.