The Utility Uniform is the official standard uniform for all boys and leaders in Royal Rangers. The style and design of this uniform makes it comfortable and suitable for regular active use. It may be worn in two different configurations - PATCH FORMAT or PIN FORMAT. The format determines the insignia to be worn as well as other components. A single uniform may be easily converted from one format to the other for use in different settings as needed by the wearer.
Patch Format
The patch format Utility Uniform most effectively utilizes the unique benefits of the utility uniform (comfort, durability, and suitability for active use) and is the recommended format for use in most settings. The Utility Uniform in patch format consists of the following components:
- Official Royal Rangers Utility Shirt, with only patches being worn. No pins such as award ribbons, medals, name tags, FCF pins, or missions support insignia may worn in patch format. Shirt may be tucked in or untucked (wearer’s choice) and the sleeves may be worn down or rolled up (wearer’s choice).
- Bolo Tie is optional. If worn, the style may be determined by the wearer.
- Official Royal Rangers Tactical Pants or Convertible Pants, navy pants, blue jeans, or navy denim knee-length shorts. Recommended alternative tactical pants: Propper Men's Uniform Tactical Pants, available at (or Propper's Store on or through 5.11 Tactical pants; see their discount order form for Royal Rangers.
- Official Royal Rangers black web belt or Official Royal Rangers Quick Release belt (optional)
- Headgear, awards vest, and undershirts are optional. If an undershirt is worn, no specific color is required.
- Footwear should be appropriate for the activity.
Pin Format
The pin format Utility Uniform enables the wearer to convert the utility uniform to a style more suitable for more formal occasions, such as award ceremonies or special presentations. The Utility Uniform in pin format consists of the following components:
- Official Royal Rangers Utility Shirt, with all patches and pins displayed (see patch & pin placement or uniform guide for details). Shirt must be tucked in with sleeves worn down (not rolled up).
- Bolo Tie must be worn, although the style may be determined by the wearer.
- Official Royal Rangers Tactical Pants or Convertible Pants (long pants format only), navy tactical pants, or navy dress pants with black dress belt.
- Headgear, awards vest, and undershirts are optional. If an undershirt is worn, no specific color is required.
- Black shoes with black socks must be worn.

Patch Format

Pin Format