Saber Usage Parameters

The use of saber swords for ceremonial purposes has long been a part of the Royal Rangers program. Many districts incorporated the presentation of sabers and instruction on their use in their Junior Leadership Training Academy (JLTA) programs, most commonly, as an element of the Elite Junior Leadership Camp (EJLC). Updates to the JLTA and EJLC programs are currently in progress but as of this date remain undefined. However, with a growing number of boys earning the Trail of the Saber award and with recent changes to the style of the Royal Rangers uniform, the following parameters have been established to define the role and use of sabers within Royal Rangers from this date forward.

Trail of the Saber Award

The Trail of the Saber is an award represented on the uniform by a medal, patch, or ribbon. Additional non-uniform recognition options are currently available, including a medallion and coin. Award recipients may represent their accomplishments using the award insignia of their choice as appropriate for the situation. In addition, recipients may be presented with a saber sword as an additional token of their accomplishment although such presentations are not required or automatic. When presented, sabers must adhere to the following specifications:

  • Civil War-era Cavalry Saber. Sources include “” and “”
  • Engraving is optional, but if included, should consist of the recipient’s name, year of presentation, and recipient’s preferred Scripture as follows. No other inscriptions should be present: “James Brown – Trail of the Saber 2012 – “Rejoice in the Lord always. Philippians 4:4”

Beginning January 1, 2015, the Trail of the Saber award will represent the only method by which a Royal Ranger may be presented with a saber for use with a Royal Rangers uniform.

Wearing the Saber

Sabers may only be worn by boys. Adult leaders (18 years of age or older) are not eligible to wear sabers. Once an individual reaches the age of 18 he may no longer wear a saber with his uniform in any setting. (See also Boy-to-Leader Transitions)

Sabers may only be worn when serving as a member of a color guard, performing a specific ceremonial role. Once the ceremony is completed they must be removed from the uniform.

Sabers may be worn with the dress uniform or the utility uniform in pin format. Details concerning the wearing, use, and display of sabers with a color guard can be found on the Color Guard Uniform Accessories page.