LEAD21 in Tulsa, OK

December 9, 2020


As 2020 draws to a close, anticipation is building for the new year. Life seems to have hit a massive pothole in many ways this year, forcing a collective pit stop. The impact of COVID-19 forced many plans to be abandoned to the side of the road as our culture grappled with how to adjust to a new way of life. It seems as though ministry completely stopped with churches closing and social distancing becoming the mandate for everyone. However, pit stops are not the end of the race. In fact, pit stops allow for refueling, fresh tires, and other adjustments. The race, being far from over, can be reengaged in a renewed and fresh way. Getting back on the road, so to speak, is critical to reaching our destination of evangelizing, equipping, and empowering the next generation of Christlike men and lifelong servant leaders.

After a year of quarantines, shutdowns, and virtual meetings, I am looking forward with great anticipation to getting together with district and regional leaders from across the country as we gather in Tulsa, OK for LEAD21. Our theme for this conference is “Multiply,” focusing on expanding our influence.

This year will mark a shift for LEAD, moving to a biannual event with regional conferences occurring on the alternating years. We believe this will allow us to reach more leaders in each region who are unable to attend LEAD. It is important that every district is represented at LEAD in March because each region will have an extended time to develop its own conference. If your district is absent, then your input into this crucial development time will be missing.

We will also be releasing plans for Camporama22. The rescheduling of Camporama last year is allowing us to hold it during the diamond jubilee, 60th anniversary, of Royal Rangers in 2022. Registration will open in the fall of 2021 with details and plans to be revealed during LEAD for this once in a lifetime event. Participants at LEAD will receive a new Camporama22 promo patch and t-shirt.

On Saturday of LEAD, the new Ranger Safety module will be released and taught as a one-time only classroom training. With the safety and protection of every boy in our care being of primary importance and to ensure that every leader is implementing the most current practices, it is a mandatory requirement moving forward that every Rangers leader take the Ranger Safety module every three years. The Saturday training will bring all attending leaders current for the next three years. Certificates and patches will be awarded at the end of the module.

We are in regular contact with the hotel for LEAD21 regarding protocols and guidelines to ensure all our attendees are kept safe. The hotel is following all CDC guidelines regarding guest safety. They will be regularly sanitizing all our meeting spaces, providing hand sanitizer stations, and ensuring guidelines for guest safety are being observed. They currently are assuring us that there are no restrictions on our meeting, and LEAD is cleared to happen. Registration is open at RoyalRangers.com/Conference. Plan to join us at LEAD21 on March 11–13, 2021 at the Hyatt Regency in Tulsa, OK.