Search Results

Your search returned '35' results.

Junior Leader's Service Award

Junior Leader's Service Award

Jun 18, 2018 ... GMA: ______. E3 Award: ______. 3. JUNIOR TRAINING CAMPS/EVENTS: 10 points each (40 points maximum)*. Junior Leader Foundations: ______ ...

Royal Rangers Advancement System Options

Royal Rangers Advancement System Options

Mar 26, 2017 ... pinnacle awards (GMA). • All materials and insignia are provided, with no customization required. Disadvantages. • No achievement or.

Royal Rangers Alumni | Royal Rangers USA

Royal Rangers Alumni | Royal Rangers USA

Royal Rangers is an activity-based, small-group church ministry for boys and young men in grades K-12 with a mission to evangelize, equip and empower the ...

Merits Homepage | Royal Rangers USA

Merits Homepage | Royal Rangers USA

Merits represent the building blocks of the Discovery, Adventure, and Expedition Rangers advancement systems.

Swordsman Program | Royal Rangers USA

Swordsman Program | Royal Rangers USA

The Swordsman Program is a movement of men and boys who desire to grow in their relationship with God and become more fully connected to Him.