Continuous Learning Electives (CLE) are training events intended to expand a leader’s skills or competencies beyond those received through the Outpost Leader Advancement Level (OLAL) or Organizational Leadership Training (OLT) processes. Although, these events may also fulfill requirements of the ADVANCED level of the OLAL and of all levels of the OLT. A training event must meet the following criteria to qualify as a continuous learning elective:
Event Criteria
- District and National CLE's must be endorsed by the District Director. They can only be ordered through your district.
- Must fill a need at the local level and offered by Royal Rangers certified instructors and/or other competent instructors.
- Must be a minimum of two hours in length. Events 4 hours or longer do not count as multiple continuous learning opportunities.
- May be offered as indoor, outdoor, online, internet-based, or classroom-based formats.
- May fill a need that is specific to leadership development skills needed to work with Royal Rangers or provide specialized certification needed to teach skill merits.
- May not have been previously used to satisfy an individual's training requirements.
Qualifying District Events
- LTA modules not taken for the LMA
- Continuous learning electives (CLE) completed and not counted toward OLAL or OLT training level requirements
- District Royal Ranger Conference (when qualifying training criteria is met)
- District Men’s Ministry Conference
- District Children’s Ministry Conference
- District Christian Education/All Church Ministries Conference
- Completion of the Outpost Leader Orientation (OLO). The OLO may not be used toward OLAL or OLT training level requirements
- Other Continuous Learning Opportunities approved by the district director that meets the above definition and criteria
Qualifying National Events
- Continuous Learning Elective courses offered online
- Ranger Foundations course (all 15 sessions) if Ranger Basics was completed before 12/31/2020 and used to satisfy the requirement for the READY OLAL training level
- World Class Outpost (WCO) if this conference was attended previously to satisfy the requirement for the ADVANCED OLAL training level but is being completed again as a refresher or to accompany other leaders from the outpost attending for the first time. A repeat WCO may not be used for the ADVANCED OLAL's CLE requirements.
- National AG NextGen Conference
- National Men’s Ministry Conference
- Catalyst
- Pre-conference Leadership Seminar for General Council
- Regional Conferences (if qualifying training criteria was met)
- National Alliance for the Development of Archery (NADA), National Archery in the Schools Program (NASP) instructor certification courses
- NRA instructor certification courses in Rifle, Shotgun, or Blackpowder
- Challenging Outdoor Personal Experience (C.O.P.E.) Instructor certification course
- Other Continuous Learning Electives may be added by the Royal Rangers national office
Common Questions
What are examples of non-qualifying training?
- Any module or national training events required or counted for earning the Outpost Leader Advancement Levels (OLAL) or Organizational Leadership Training levels (OLT), such as Ranger Foundations, Ranger Basics, Ranger Essentials, Ranger Safety, Basic CPR/First Aid course, NRMC, NEEC, WCO (first-time completion), JBEI, etc.
- Past national training events such as NTC & RKTC (and any others required or counted for earning the LMA)
- The National Royal Rangers LEAD conference (as it is considered training specifically for organizational leaders and it meets requirements for the OLT)
- The Johnnie Barnes Excellence Initiative (JBEI) seminar (as it is training that is designed for organizational leaders & it meets a specific OLT requirement)
- FCF events such as Frontier Adventure, Buckskin Challenge, or Wilderness Vigil (as these are held solely for the purpose of meeting FCF requirements)
How far back can you count LTA electives, certification courses, conferences or seminars?
Qualifying LTA electives and certification courses can be counted if taken after January 1, 2003. Qualifying conferences or seminars may be counted if taken after January 1, 2009. Subsequent WCO seminars repeated may be counted, you may not count your first WCO seminar taken.
How do I order the Continuous Learning Elective ribbons?
For both district and national ribbons or year pins you will need to contact your local district. The district will handle both district and national Continuous Learning ribbons requests. This will help keep costs lower and availability and processing closer to the field. There is no application for these ribbons. Applicants contact their Royal Rangers district director and provide verification as to how they have met the requirements for the ribbon(s).
Is any verification needed for any qualifying continuous learning elective?
Yes, qualifying instructor training courses that offer “certification” must include a copy of a certificate of completion or certification card.
For More Information